Thursday, December 5, 2013

Penis or Vagina.

"What are you having?"       It's the most frequently asked question to any pregnant woman, and sometimes not having an answer is not really acceptable.  We live in a society that likes answers, in fact, we feel it is our right to know every detail about pretty much everything.

So after 33 weeks of growing this second child of ours, and being asked almost daily, I finally have an answer for this...
We are having a perfectly healthy HUMAN child.      I know, we were relieved too.

Ephraim and I knew from the beginning of this pregnancy that we were most likely going to wait on finding out the gender of this child.  Not because we don't find importance in genders, and not because we think it's wrong.  But simply just to do it.  We also had absolutely no preference on having a boy or girl, we are completely neutral.  But what started as just a fun surprise, turned into something deeper.  We became more and more challenged to fight against the society norm, and learn about this new person in a different way.  Because is it really important whether our baby has a penis or vagina?  We don't want our child's gender to define WHO they are even before taking their first breath, but rather be celebrated upon their arrival.

During our first pregnancy we did find out we were having a girl and I have to say, it was perfectly fine.  But looking back, once we knew her gender we had a hard time really focusing on anything else.  This time around, we opted for a different  path and I have found it so unexplainably rewarding.

So in the last 7 weeks of pregnancy, we get to look forward to the true MEETING of our child, with out any preconceived notions.  With out a name all perfectly picked out.  We will welcome this amazing person into our family, and boy let me tell you, we are certainly ready!


I would like to preface, there is NO wrong option here.  Just choices.  Parents already feel enough pressure on all of the "right" and "wrong" ways to do things, we don't really need to add more to that list.  Please feel free to take our experience as one example.

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