Tuesday, November 27, 2012

"bloody nose in the greedy department."

This is my favorite time of year. Seriously.

I love everything about November. Leaves, rain, cold, fog, blankets, fires (the good kind...), HOT coffee, mittens, scarves, boots, beards, coats, layers, long socks, food, spiced cider (spiked cider...),

I love it all. But one thing I have never been able to get on board with... a month of thanks.

I mean please, don't misunderstand me. I was raised to truly understand and appreciate the meaning of gratitude. (hence, the "gratitude" box my family had in our kitchen.) But I find myself extra peeved that people only find time to express thankfulness one time a year, and it happens to come right before a season of selfishness... go figure.

I wish people would see the importance in sharing gratitude daily. Not just during a happy holiday season, but even in a rough season. A dry season, when being challenged. Through trials, we aren't running to our friends and expressing our deepest appreciations. We are complaining, selfish people caught up in the world.

... And on that note. Ephriam and I had a new affair introduced to us recently.

A little thing called, Black Friday.

Maybe your unfamiliar with it... let me give you the low down. The day after the "Day of Thanks", a mad rush of greedy, insane, materialistic people run around, drunk on caffeine, ready to kill over the best bargain... You thought traffic in Puget Sound is bad during rush hour? Try driving around a mall at 1 AM on Black Friday.

I would just like to give a special shout out to my parents for protecting me from this day.

Ephraim and I had the beautiful idea that we would have an adventure date. We tucked our sweet little girl into her bed, said goodnight to my mom, and got in the car at approximately 12:00 AM. Our first stop was coffee, Starbucks. Not really our first choice, but its funny how your pickiness changes dramatically at midnight.

We headed off to our first store, Target. I was ready for a mad rush of people elbowing each other, drop kicking toys to their partner down the aisle, carts over flowing with madness. Instead, we walked into a store that was quiet. Not empty, but really lacking in that busy "holiday" energy that had been promised to me. I stood for a second while looking at things that were not at all on my list of items to get, and tried to decided which was more disturbing. That there had been a wild rush that happened at 9:00pm and people were already on their way to others stores... or that we had in fact been tricked, there is no Black Friday mayhem... That's only a myth for crazy mothers of 6 month olds that are just so deprived of adult interaction, they decide that the middle of the night is the only chance they have to be around big humans!

After our first three stores, hitting some good bargains and actually feeling pretty good about the decision to venture into the night, we went to the mall.

Now this is more what I had pictured. People, EVERYWHERE. It felt like 3 in the afternoon, at 3 in the morning. Inside the food court we fueled up with some mediocre Indian food. Walking into stores only gave me a mild panic attack, looking around at what once had been clothes nicely folded on shelves, I realized I was now stepping on the 2 for $10 T-Shirts I had been scouring the store for the last 15 minutes in search of..

We proceeded to a few more stores, some of which I realized did not actually have any sales what so ever, they just opened early to see how many fools would come running in their doors, and then running back out. I think we were standing outside of REI at about 7:10 AM when I realized the first real problem of this glorified day (because believe me, up until this point, I was really "thankful" for this Americanized tradition.) No sleep + angry adults + greediness + a TRIPLE 8 oz coffee = a not so very fun argument with your husband that you will soon regret.

Okay, maybe it was a fight... And though I will not go into details of this particular conversation, somewhere in the middle of the tears I had rolling down my face I had an epiphany of sorts. While spending way too much money on my daughters first Christmas, trying to get a decent gift for my handsome husband, thinking logically about saving money for Panama, and trying to not get carried away with myself while looking at shoes, or kitchenAid's, I truly thought about what was happening around me. I had succumbed to a stereotype I had dreaded and mocked, the need for possessions and money. I had spent a month making fun of those around me and their daily "thankfulness" updates, I had forgotten the point of it all... of life really.

But even worse, I had forgotten to be thankful, to spread the joy of just being alive. I had forgotten how to be deliriously happy that I always have a home in Ephraim's arms. That I have a daughter who amazes me daily. I have a chance to love so many people around me, and I have a God who is unoffendable, unconditional, and unfailing. I have a life with endless possibilities not subject to the amount of money I have, the type of home I live in, the things I call mine or the place I serve my time.

So in the spirit of things, to end, in my opinion, the best month of the year, and to humble myself to all those who I so rudely made fun of... My 30 things of thankfulness.

1. Ephraim: My words will not ever in my life be able to express my appreciation for you and your patience. Thank you for always remembering my heart song and singing it back to me when I forget.

2. For my Sequoia, you light my world.

3. Coffee and cheese.... but not together.

4. I Love Lucy

5. For a job watching to incredible infants - Simon, Paisley... you rock.

6. Boots.

7. For a family that is never dull, in-laws who are always up to new adventures and a mom of constant support.

8. Friends that are wonderful.

9. Thailand and India- for creating such incredible food.

10. A world where not one person is the same as anyone, never has been, never will be.

11. Goodwill and Value Village -- and to the many that throw away some of my favorite treasures.

12. Gluten free stuffing Ephy created.

13. Frozen Yogurt.

14. Seeing my breath outside.

15. Living Down town in our little, strange, quirky apartment and the odd mixture of people who make up our neighbors.

16. Leaves on the ground.

17. Vehicles, when they run.... and even not.

18. Books- especially the ones on Lillian's shelf.

19. Camera's.

20. The fact that there is NOT just one way to raise a baby... and that babies are really rather forgiving.

21. Hemp lotion.

22. Organic Veggies.

23. Music-- and the fact that vinyl records are coming back

24. Random dates with my love.

25. Living within 5 minutes of the water.

26. For all of you reading... and those who have/ are supporting us.

27. For those of you who are thinking about supporting us, and even those of you who aren't.

28. Jumping on the bed.

29. Hot Showers.

30. And for Grace, unending.

Happy Thanksgiving everyone.


  1. Yea, your blogs make me smile and ponder. I'm praying for you my lovely lady. You have truly grown to be a wise women and I am blessed to have you in my life. I am thankful for you ever since I met your beautiful free flowing spirit!

    Dear Lord, I pray for Ciara and her life that will touch many. I pray that you will just strengthen her and shine through her in every moment. May she feel your presence and your love. May she find you in everything. Bless her as a wife, a mother, a sister and a friend. Touch her heart and her feet. Let her dance for You all of her days. Amen.

    Love you! Lo

  2. This was lovely, filled with grace and very kind. I agree wholeheartedly about giving thanks; It is not just in November that we should do so. Thank you for the gentle reminder.
