Thursday, March 7, 2013

Two Weeks.

We have been here over two weeks now.

Two weeks.
Two weeks since we saw our beloved Tacoma water front.
Two weeks since we sat in a cafe and drank a cup of coffee.
Two weeks since we ate dinner at Lillian and Jason's.
Two weeks since I ate breakfast with my mom and looked out at her view of the bay.
Two weeks since Sequoia saw her two best friends, Simon and Paisley.

Two weeks.
Two weeks of being surrounded by never ending hills and valleys of green and Banana trees.
Two weeks of being surrounded by the most adorable brown boys and girls.
Two weeks of being the minority race when walking at the mall.  (especially having a blonde baby... believe me friends, I was just as surprised as you are...)
Two weeks of being surrounded by a jungle that sings, all day and all night.
Two weeks of living in a land that I am pretty sure has like 100 different types of trees.

I intended to update sooner, but to be quite honest, it has been a whirl wind of days.  I have attempted to write, and no words came to me.

We arrived, and were welcomed with open arms.  Ephraim and I instantly fell asleep in our quirky little apartment and have been doing our finest to bring a little Seattle to this jungle, and make it home.  We took to the base here instantly, and fell in love with all the amazing people here working, serving, learning, teaching.
Ephraim started work the Monday after we arrived (approx. 3 days)  .  He is teaching two classes, P.E and Art.  And even though it has not been easy, and has even been a struggle some days, I know every day his heart stretches a little more and more for these kids.

Two days after arriving, the school had it's Parent night, to welcome the kids back, introduce them to their new teachers and allow the parents to ask questions.  I was able to attend, and though I mostly watched and observed the busyness around me, I was struck with a most wonderful realization.  As Sequoia and I walked around, and little children ran, weaving in between us, I noticed the beauty filled in these children.  Dressed in probably some of their best clothes, brand new back packs on, full of all the essential school supplies they will need.  These children were so very excited to learn.  They ran, eagerly from room to room, picking up books, finding their seats, over joyed at the year to come.  Ecstatic to be able to learn!  I was so humbled, so broken to see such sweet, eager children anxious for knowledge.  It made me wish I had such an eager heart to learn...

Last night, we had a teaching on goals.  Vision.  A concept I am learning more and more, daily.  One thing Rich spoke about, was what really mattered in the end.  Did we live our lives, wasting on day to day activities, jobs, work... simple.  Or are we living with vision, goal, promise.  I don't know what that looks like for you, could be anything.  Honestly, I don't even know what that looks like for me, sometimes...  But today, it looks like this.  It may not be easy, it may not be comfortable, but is that really what matters?  The comfortable?

We went from City to jungle, from pavement to dirt.  Two hippies and a baby, and we live on the side of the mountain, in Panama, under the trees.

Our apartment is on the bottom floor of that building in the corner.

    "Did I do my best to live for truth, did I live my life for you."

1 comment:

  1. Ciara
    I read your blog and it is inspiring. Thank you for sharing in such eloquent speech how you see the world. You always had a way with writing. I love to hear you talk about your relationship with God and how you see him everywhere. I'm so happy you got everything you always wanted. You are an amazing person. And though I miss our silly days in high school you are really making a difference. So thank you for sharing your story. :)
