Thursday, March 28, 2013

This moment contains all moments.

It baffles me, how quickly time seems to slip past me here.
There are moments, when I swear time stops.  And others, when what feels like moments, is actually days, weeks.

I heard a saying once, "This moment contains all moments".  I try to live by this, daily.
It took me years to learn the true complexities of this phrase, and strangely enough, I find that here, more than ever before, I understand its serious depth.

It's been a whirlwind of days the past few weeks and to share every detail would be exhausting.
Here are the high lights.

We took a lovely trip to the ocean, and a town about 2 hours away, called El Valle.
I am pretty sure upon arrival, my first words were, " I am never leaving."   ... or something like that.
After driving through the rolling hills, looking deep into the vally where a volcano once rested, visiting the street market, enjoying some incredibly wicked violin, eating pizza at a tiny shop, walking down the street and enjoying my first (FIRST) latte since arriving, I was certain I could spend the rest of my life here.
We then visited a beach, approximately 45 mins away.  Sadly, the waves were so aggressive, so large, none of us felt it safe to actually get in the water.  But what a beautiful view we had sitting on the beach.  The sand was black, with marble like white streaks.  I love beaches in Panama, they are seriously captivating   Not over populated with sunbathers and noisy children.  They are clean, open, slightly breezy.  I love the way the water and sand come together and feel like one.  You never really know where the earth ends and the water begins.  In Washington, the beach is cold.  The water and the sand are like partners, dancing together. Swirling and becoming friends.  The crisp air takes your breath away.  And you can here Gods soft voice whispering as the wind sweeps past your ear.  I picture a tall, old wooden beach house, with windows that rattle in the wind, sitting by the fire and reading a book.
But in Panama, I invision laying on a hammock.  Or burring yourself in the sand just deep enough to feel like part of the water around you.. but still allowing the opportunity to breathe.


The weeks to follow did not disappoint.

Andrea, Amanda, Sequoia and I after visiting a Mosque in the city.

Our time here has been filled with nothing short of wonderful... And though I have momentary day dreams of our beloved city.  Drinking coffee in a park, and though I simple glow when I receive a little written love from home.  I am overjoyed to be here.

And at the end of the day, I cuddle with my loves, put my sweet to bed.
Kiss the most handsome man I know, and close my eyes with a song in my heart...

"In our days we will say 
What our ghosts will say:
We gave the world what it saw fit 
And what'd we get?

Like stubborn boys with big green eyes 
We'll see everything:
In the timid shade of the autumn leaves 
And the buzzard's wing 

And we'll undress beside the ashes of the fire 
Our tender bellies are wound around in baling wire 
All the more a pair of underwater pearls 
Than the oak tree and its resurrection fern"      -Iron and Wine

1 comment:

  1. Ah Sequoia looks so stinking cute in her swimsuit! But where is her temple head covering? I love your words and pictures. Thanks for including us bog-readers in your life!
