Monday, October 20, 2014

A letter to my third baby.

My dearest, sweet child--                                                                                         10/20/2014

hello, little baby growing deep inside me.  You are currently 19 weeks alive.  And I am told you are equivalent to the size of a mango... yum.
Next week your daddy and I get to go see you on the ultrasound.  We will get to see your little fingers and tiny toes.  We will get to hear your heart and see you wiggle.

It's still a little hard to believe you are growing in me.  You were such a sweet surprise to us...
I don't feel I know much about you quite yet.  I know that you have a beautiful big sister-- Sequoia.  And a mighty big brother-- Phoenix.  They are going to be so excited to meet you in 20 weeks.  They are going to love holding you, teaching you, laughing with you, showing you all about life and love.  And they are going to be so incredibly lucky to have you.

As are daddy and I.

I may not have a lot of answers, little one.  I may not know the color of your eyes.  Whether your boy or girl. I may not know the name will call you, or where we will live.  But, I know with certainty that we will love you without end.  I know in a few short months I will birth you with such strength and honor, and be witness to your first breaths and tears.  I know that you have been specifically picked, destined for our family.  And that we are incredibly lucky.

I am lucky.
Because I am yours, and you are mine.

-all my love, mama

"you make beautiful things, you make beautiful things out of dust.
you make beautiful things, you make beautiful things out of us."



  1. Ciara, this is such a lovely letter. I too count myself lucky, for the opportunity I get to wait with you for your littlest bird. You are an amazing mother!
